“All Her Bodies,” an experimental virtual reality project, merges poetic storytelling and volumetric filmmaking inside of an abstract world. Individual stories of interiority are recounted by five women of different ages and ethnicities as intimate one-on-one encounters in the space. The project begins with a poem that leads the audience to five recollections of vulnerability, violence, strength and empowerment collectively referencing female experience historically and now. Soundscapes and textured backgrounds suggest places or situations but remain abstract resulting in a dream-like fragmented memory space.
Download the app to your headset for free via Viveport.
* Direction & Writing: Elizabeth Leister
* VR Development: Pariah Interactive
* Sound Design: Noctvrnal
* Music Composition: Clinton Rusich
* Audio Engineering: Joel Krantz
* Acting: Janet Admasu, Lorinda Hawkins-Smith, Jasmine Ibrahem, Sonia Norris, Isobel Roth
* AR Post: "FIVARS February Edition Showcases Virtual Reality Storytelling"